
Wattle Hurdle Making

£20.00 inc. VAT

This programme takes the user through the process of making a wattle sheep hurdle. Preserving the craft for the future.  Local craftsman, Bert Manton carefully takes the viewer through each stage of the process and adds his own acacdotes and stories during the 1 hour 10 minute programme. For hundreds of years hurdles have been made to enclose farm animals and techniques used in making them were used in house construction (wattle and daub). The term wattle means weave and hurdle is a moveable fence.

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Product Description

This programme takes the user through the process of making a wattle sheep hurdle. Preserving the craft for the future. Local craftsman, Bert Manton carefully takes the viewer through each stage of the process and adds his own acacdotes and stories during the 1 hour 10 minute programme. For hundreds of years hurdles have been made to enclose farm animals and techniques used in making them were used in house construction (wattle and daub). The term wattle means weave and hurdle is a moveable fence.